Vermont Family Photography

Family Lake Visits // Personal Photography

I'm Ali!

I am a chocolate lover, dog mom, avid fiction reader, exercise junkie, get-me-outside girl, and heart-driven photographer.

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“Just take pictures” is the best advice I received when I started down this photography road. You can take courses, watch YouTube videos, and scroll Instagram for inspiration, but nothing replaces what you learn with a camera in your hand.

When Sam’s family came to visit, we headed to his grandparent’s house on Lake Champlain and I—of course—brought my camera! There is something really special about the pressure-free environment of taking pictures for fun. I find it is when I am most creative and when storytelling through images really comes alive.

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Love stories? Here's mine!

I wasn't born with a camera in my hand and I haven't "wanted to be a photographer ever since I can remember." My passion for photography developed (a bit) later in my life and since then, I would consider it quite the obsession...

I wasn't born with a camera in my hand and I haven't "wanted to be a photographer ever since I can remember." My passion for photography developed (a bit) later in my life and since then, I would consider it quite the obsession...

a Vermont family and wedding photographer drawn to imperfect, intimate moments that tell the real story of you

Hi, I'm Ali.


As you explore, ask yourself "can I see myself in these images?"

I like to describe my style as, "a little grain, a little pop of color, a lot of wild love."


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