Pregnancy is funny… It is a time when your body is asking you (sometimes even telling you) that it is time to slow down. It is a time of reflection, anticipation, and growth of both your mind and your body. But, in today’s world that asks so much of us up until the moment labor begins, it is hard to honor what our bodies are asking us for.
Photography is also funny. It is natural to want to overenginere a session to be exactly what you see on Pinerest or to try to capture the perfect photo. But, the reality is that when you’re focusing too much on being perfect, you forget to relax and tap into the feelings, routines, and moments that are unique to the season of life you’re trying to document.
Something I’ve come to realize after hundreds of hours behind the camera during storytelling maternity sessions, family sessions and newborn sessions is that there is way, way more to photography than capturing memories. If we do it right, the session will help you slow down, and stay present in your current season of life.
Sunday mornings are a time of peace, of reset, of savored sips of coffee and forgetting to flip pancakes because you’re lost in a book or in conversation. They’re one of my favorite times to photograph families and maternity sessions especailly.
I spent a slow, snowy Sunday morning with K+M and their pup as we romanticized everyday moments and found a pocket of peace for ourselves to document their soon-to-be family of four.

Plan Your Own Filmy Vermont Maternity Session
I call my family, maternity, and newborn sessions “Storytelling Sessions” because that is exactly what they are.
Together, we plan a session that encapsulates the season of life you want to document and that helps you stay present instead of worrying about “doing it right.”
I’ll ask specific questions to help you brainstorm the most important moments, memories, and feelings you want to remember. You’ll have a chance to tell me more about the kind of images you’re most drawn to and the things that inspire you, and share any images you’ve seen and loved. Then, we’ll work together to plan outfits and choose a location and time that best represents your family and the story you want to tell.
Interested in working together? Learn more about my Vermont family photography and maternity photography services here.
(P.S. Come say “hi” on Instagram if you haven’t yet!)
February 3, 2025
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